It's Brilliant...a video game based on characters dumping cripples out of their wheelchairs, selling the chair for 15% of its value, then using the money to finance porn shoots and buy hookers and coke.

Club Jenna serves as a front for an international stolen wheelchair ring, where Jenna manipulates fans like Firewall into luring fellow cripples in expensive wheelchairs into situations of vulnerability and compromise, facilitating the theft of their w/chairs and any other medical equipment/supplies (except colostomy bags.)

As a character in this game, you can either be a passive-agressive fanboy like Kyoto where you advance by getting fans to visit Jenna's Strip Club by handing out flyers outside Rehab & VA hospitals; or you can be an aspiring sociopathic gonzo porn producer like Brandon where you advance by selling the 'hot' wheelchairs to unprincipled or low income cripples, while also using the chairs as props in some of your films, like having a scene where a chick like Kelly Wells pretends to be a quadriplegic who cant move and just sits motionless in a chair while 29 guys jerk off on her; or you can have a simple character who is the Thug that actually dumps the cripple out of his chair and makes off with it...I'm thinking someone like a, ummm, Lex Steele-type dude. There will also be a good guy undercover cop posing as a cripple type character, someone like a Bishop.

I am soliciting 'scripts' for the secret sex scenes that will be available to be unlocked by codes. Only requirement is that the scene involve Jenna and sex with cripples.

(** Note: This thread lost some of its thunder when I couldn't find any of the old Firewall Pics for illustration emphasis.... )
Are you gonna eat that?