

Manly???Fuck No she is Bangin Hot

What a shock. Garfield attracted to a man faced woman. Just reach in and pull your other leg out the closet, we can all see you, come on. you are almost there. Its so close, we are waiting to hand you your cashmere sweater and rainbow pride flag given to all newly outers.

Monkeys am i gay test

1) do you find tantas wife attractive?

a) yes

b) no

2) What do you prefer

a) hot dog

b) burger

3) Whos cuter

a) 1974 jack nickelson

b) 1994 jack nickelson

4) What do you do with the toiler paper before wiping

a) scrunch it

b) fold it

and finally

5) which do you prefer sexually

a) men

b) women

Uhhh...tanta doesn't have a wife.
'' Women are not people, they are devices built by our Lord Jesus Christ for our entertainment.'' Peter Griffin