Welcome back TEN LITTLE PIGGIES #6! We missed you!
DVD link: http://www.jerkoffzone.com/jmcatalog/studio.php?sid=8
VOD link: http://www.brandonIronvod.com/video/42617/Ten-Little-Piggies-Vol-6/ (screen caps here)

True Story: Maria on the back cover. I met this woman at a cafe in downtown Belgrade. She was a total civilian. A Serbian friend of mine approached her and asked if she would be interested in modelling her feet. You know what....she was! Minutes later, we were walking back to the hotel and she was spreading her toes for the freaks in room 422.

Not sure why but that fucking story will stick with me for years. I hope it brings a tear to the eyes of every pervert reading this. Hope is out there.

10LP6back.jpg (26 downloads)