Mike South writes about Robin Steel on - Do you know this piece of shit?

Allow me to introduce you. He lives in South Florida and claims to be an agent, get this his agency website is a myspace page, what a fucking moron. He claims to do some business with bangbros, if thats the case, the guys at bangbros needs to seriously reconsider who they do business with.

This cocksucker ran afoul of me when he started using my copyrighted photos on his myspace page saying he represents the girls. He doesn't and he is using my photos without my permission.

If you are a girl and you really are doing business with this lowlife you should immediately stop. If you want real representation contact me and I will refer to a real agency, one that is licensed, bonded and can actually get you work.

If this guy approaches you tell him to contact ME.

Geez the douchebags are crawling out of the woodworks lately.....