I don't mind porn and pizza, just keep the Bukkake pictures away from my eats please!

And check out this shit head opinion:

Roz Prober, president of the Winnipeg chapter of child advocacy group:


"Prober said just because the business checks the identification of the person buying the pizza, it doesn't mean children aren't in the home."

In his eyes any home that has pornography is unfit, thats - what about 70% of US households?

From Rotten.com


Sexy slices at the door
Porno Pizza delivers something extra


A Porno Pizza customer is happy about his delivery. Wait till he sees what’s underneath. (Marcel Cretain, Sun Media)

It doesn't matter what you put on your pizza at this delivery joint, it's still hotter than the average slice.

Local entrepreneur Corey Wildeman has launched Porno Pizza, a delivery-only pizza business that places pornography where you would usually find only cardboard -- under the pizza.

The idea for the business came to Wildeman, 30, while working at other pizza places.

"I'm absolutely thrilled with how successful it's been," he said while on a delivery last night.

The business recently began operating out of an Osborne Street business.

Although customers can't pick which saucy image they will receive, the owner would like to offer more specific choices in the future.


"It runs the full gamut. There are some that are very Playboy-esque and others which Larry Flynt would blush at," he said, describing the photos sent out with orders.

What has surprised Wildeman the most since opening is his clientele.

"It's about 75 to 80% female that are placing the orders and are taking orders at the door," he said.

One customer, 24, was hanging out with a group of friends when they made the call to Porno Pizza.

"It seemed like a novelty," he said after the pizza arrived, and there was no doubt it left his friends amused.

Others, however, are less impressed with the idea.

Roz Prober, president of the Winnipeg chapter of child advocacy group Beyond Borders, believes the delivery service could land pornography in the hands of children.

"There is no way his business isn't exposing children to pornography," she said yesterday.

Prober said just because the business checks the identification of the person buying the pizza, it doesn't mean children aren't in the home.

Wildeman begged to differ, adding pornography is easily available through plenty of other mediums -- including magazines, the Internet and television -- that are easier to access.

"I wouldn't be getting phone calls if this wasn't accepted," said Wildeman before quoting an episode of The Simpsons.

"You'll never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator."
Previous story: Sunflashes

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