I have long been fascinated by the variation in the amount of drool these hookers produce. Why does this variation exist? While some whores render their faces unrecognizable, others produce almost none at all. Where is the motivation to put their bodily fluids to good use? I propose the following: 2 whores hang their heads. Beneath their heads is a scale with a container on top of it. A lineup of dudes takes turns fucking their faces. Whoever captures the most drool, bile, snot, puke, cum, ect in the container after X number of dudes is the winner. The winner grabs her bowl, walks over to the loser, pulls her head up by her hair, and dumps the contents of the bowl all over the loser’s face. She berates her for her lack of effort and for good measure takes her to the nearest water closet for a swirlie. Working titles: spit wars, gag wars, ect. I cannot take credit for this idea. I am but an instrument of the Word.