Check it as the youngsters might say:

"Adult World News Lifting Porn Stories; XPT Does the Right Thing

--Gene Ross

Porn Valley- Until this morning I had no idea who Adult World News was. Now I do, but the discovery wasn't a pleasant one.

Tuesday afternoon there was a story posted on Adultfyi about Savanna Jane's being kicked off a MILFhunters porn set because of her "accent". A Lou Ferrigno accent if you will, because Savanna Jane, unfortunately is, deaf.

The story was first posted as one "in progress" and XPT, immediately picked up on it for its site. Which I'm always glad to see. Later, the story was revised and this is the current version.

Imagine my surprise this morning when I go on XPT to see a poster named "Smartt" commandeer himself into the Savanna Jane thread by redirecting the story to Adult World News which I gather is his site. Surprise, surprise. I go on Adult World News to see the purloined Adultfyi story modified to look like it was coming from them with no credit to where it originated.

I'm later to find out that this "Smartt" character is some Brazilian named Sergio Martorelli, And, according to what I also found out, Smarrt had some issues with XPT in the past and was banned for a year. The management at XPT has since gone in and changed the thread to reflect the Adultfyi source, which is the right thing.

The point in all this being that caught on this occasion, Adult World News may be pilfering material from other sites, as well. That I wouldn't know.

But I'd be curious to see if someone else finds one of their stories there."


First up, Gene would never post a story without attributing it. Hell no.

Second, he's now declared war on Smarrt. Let the good times roll.

I also am subcribe to postal pornography - CAOH