perhaps my biggest interview to date with the one and only peter north, he doesn't give many interviews and the amount of effort it took for me to get him to agree I can understand why, he finally accepted after I stroked his ego for day and night (and agreed to add links to his sites at the end of the interview) until he agreed to do it.

(done via telephone)

Smelly Monkey: Well peter, its great to finally get to talk to you, youre a tough man to catch

Peter North: (laughs) well yeah im busy, busy, busy, its great to talk to you.

SM: You are generally regarded as being in the top 3 most famous male pornstars of all time, with john holmes and ron jeremy, must be nice to be the one that isn't dead or 450 pounds overweight?

PN: (laughs) Yes

SM: So how did you get into the adult business?.

PN: Debt (laughs), I moved to california in late 81 from canada in the hopes of being a mainstream actor, after the first year the job offers were few and far between and i was getting myself into a mountain of debt, then i stumbled across an ad for nude male models offering $500. One thing led to another and 24 years later , here i am.

SM: Wow, I guess thats one way to breeze through 24 years of work, I wanted to touch on something that you haven't really talked about too much in the past. You originally entered the gay side of porn, making a few of those features before going over to straight, Im curious as to why you started down that path?.

PN: (long pause) Money, im not going to lie, back then the pay for gay performers to straight male was huge, as i said before i was in a lot of debt and the last thing I wanted to do was return home to canada with my tail between my legs. Its amazing that its still an issue even today, ive slept with more then 3000 women on film and people still say im gay or im this and that. Im very secure in my sexuality, I have complete control over my body and can freely say that im 100% straight. Look even to this day gay performers are paid more then straight and its far more acceptable to be gay now then it was back then so if i was gay I shouldn't have any problem doing gay features, right?.

SM: I guess so

PN: Right. I don't mean to be defensive about it but after 20 years of having to address it , it can wear on you a little bit.

SM: I understand, but I had to ask. Moving onto the littler stuff, who are some of your favorite performers that you've worked with in your career?

PN: (breaths out loud) Gina lynn is the first to come to mind, she was the first performer I ever had a crush on and was fortunate enough to work with her a few times. Heather hunter was great to work with, Jenna of course. I'd say those three.

SM: Whats the weirdest thing that you've ever seen happen on a porn set?

PN: Any set with tori wells (laughs), she was a wild child.

SM: Any particular incidents that you can remember?

PN: She once had an argument with a male performer who was about to do a scene with another girl, she stormed off and came back 10 minutes later while the guy was in the middle of the scene and threw a brown paper bag that she just shit in at the guy. I've never seen anything like it and probably never will again. (laughs)

SM: You have been in this business for 24 years, how much longer do you think you can keep going?

PN: Well I try it keep myself in great shape and I think ive managed to do that, i live a pretty clean lifestyle but right now im starting to focus more of my attention with the off camera stuff and my lines. Id like to think ive got another good two to three years of performing left in me

SM: Well I know you have to go now, but I would like to thank you for your time

PN: Thank you

Peter's offical website
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis