Steve, in recent days you have come onto XPT with the stated attempt to open a dialog between yourself and some of those you consider “haters” that have had the gumption to stand up to your myriad of temper tantrums. Your inflated self worth was yet again displayed by your multitude of postings that were largely confined to the thread you started titled “Let the games begin”; an obvious troll as you threw down the gauntlet towards your detractors and confronted them with a different style of animosity. Dropping the use of all capital letters, you still managed to display all the charm you are known for while trolling it up in this latest attempt to garner attention.

Sadly, you continue to hold onto your claim of being something special in the porn industry, it being your employer of last resort since you flunked out of everything else you’ve done in your middle aged life, including mainstream acting and music, always willing to blame others on these failures since that is easier than recognizing your lack of talent. As a meat puppet, you are strictly middle of the road and have increasingly relied on being anal receptive (taking objects in your ass) as a marketing niche, some suggesting this simply mirrors your habits in your personal life, including your former girlfriend(s). As a director, you have yet to find any substantive success; more of your movies being given away for free in Europe than you have sold, even then amounting to under a dozen mostly lame attempts to poorly imitate mainstream projects as a means of drumming up some buzz. As expected, these have largely failed to show any unique qualities and the lack of a seasoned crew working against you nearly as much as your reliance to write these projects yourself, presumably on the back of matchbook covers or paper napkins given how shallow they were. Other directors at the company prove that talent supersedes your “name appeal”, your limited following proving so weak you had to personally chastise your myspace members for not buying enough copies not long ago.

Your latest grab for attention has been to join XPT in what a handful of your flunkies have deemed “brave”, “ballsy”, and a host of other adjectives but given your flippant responses to questions and comments so far, it is clear that you lack the mental staying power needed to do so since an equivalent to your performance enhancing drugs in porn do not exist in this realm. Assaulting cripples, those that stole your girlfriend away or the press for not seeing you as some form of urban legend, have become old news and now you try a different tact here. This time, you fuss about how obsessed some are with you or that they should “get a life” as it were, forgetting that discourse has long been a part of civilized life just as watching porn is generally viewed in favorable light by those who in the industry that depend on consumers. Leaving your ad hominem attacks aside for the moment, it is clear that you are again not taking your prescription meds used to regulate your self admitted violent tendencies, the positive side being that at least you are limiting your attacks to the written form where no matter how poorly your fare, at least you’re staying out of jail. If you wonder why people might keep track of your rants though, just look to your history of threats with weapons as a starting point. It is sad that your reported need to forgo taking your meds because they impact your sex drive and ability to work in your field has been lost in the shuffle here; reminding me that whatever glowing picture you present of your place in the porn industry is tempered by the fact that age is catching up with you faster than you realize. The fact that you need help to get an erection and have to skip your meds in order to work is far sadder than any amount of time people spend discussing porn.

Most of us got over our limitations while still young enough to develop viable skills, realizing we weren’t going to be professional athletes, movie stars, or the like and made careers we could handle. Now facing 40, you appear to be trapped with that sinking feeling that you have nowhere to go, no talents to rely on that aren’t drug induced, and limited prospects for gainful employment. Your desire to be immortalized like your heroes Charles Manson, Kurt Cobain, and Doug “DD” Colvin (the latter two dying from heroin overdoses) speaks volumes about your mindset and I wish you well in trying to get the help you need. If your supporters were truly your friends as some here have claimed, they would stop putting you on a pedestal and ask you get help too but requesting they stop drinking the Kool Aid appears to be more than the star struck slavering fangirls can handle and when you meet your inevitable conclusion, they will have to live with it, not I. So good luck in trying to salvage any shards of dignity given your hundred posting spree this week, the update proving enough to keep us informed that you are still the mental midget we’ve come to know.
PS: I write this as my car is being repaired so don’t worry about wasted opportunities over my time and while I realize that you seem continually willing to stalk me online and project it back at me, you aren’t fooling anyone of consequence. Check back in a year to let us know if you salvaged anything out of your laughable existence.

(note: Steve is the given name for Kurt "misguided" Lockwood for those not paying attention and anyone with issues regarding the accuracy of this post is free to consult with me on the voluminous emails he sent me awhile back supporting various claims)

[ed: although I despise Steve, I'm gonna take the high road and leave his last name out of this. This doesn't affect his doucebaggery]

Edited by Шίλλίε Δ (08/15/07 10:57 PM)
"I'm rich. I'm a strong, trained fighter. I own a gun. And I am completely...fucking ... psychotic." Kurt Lockwood ranting yet again