Eli....is Gene Ross picking on you.....come on now. Its not him....Its you Vs. your “renegade” girls and what you need do in the future is be a little more selective in choosing what type of girls to work with just as they should be more choosier in what agent they should have repping them or at least keep your pimp hand strong....I know its all about the $$$.....but for fuck sakes Eli....Ann had Dreds so you had to fix her….hopefully you have learned your lesson. Don’t try to fix an already fucked up chick. Lexi gave you a call for more Florida bookings since she probably burned all of her bridges and you were her only…pardon the pun ALTERNATIVE!!! BTW..by stating that no one else can rep them in Florida if they sign on with you…. How do you expect Lexi to find work back there? As for references…all agents have them.....just like in the Gene Ross story you that said have moles who feed you information about the girls....the same would be true for references as well...but don’t worry I don’t think you’ve cornered the market on that scam as of yet.