The master of dribble is back on another board. This time KSEX is playing host to one of the internets biggest porn wannabe assholes.....Outsider

Lara Roxx Suit Will Get Big TV Ratings

The Outsider writes on KSEX:

The Outsider is back, on a better board, with some very relevant information.

The Lara Roxx lawsuit, when it comes to trial, is going to get big, big television ratings, folks. It's also going to put a televised face on the entire HIV outbreak. This is a case that Miss Roxx, and her attorney...soon to be 'attorneys'...will probably win.

Will television audiences tune in to hear about porn, DP's, and abuses in the adult entertainment industry? You can count on it.

The Outsider knows of one particular media outlet who is already looking into where the trial might take place... ...just so they can book their satellite uplink and truck in ADVANCE.

As always, The Outsider plans on keeping his sources secret. But you can bet on this... This trial is going to become a full-on media spectacle, ladies and gentlemen. Hold on to your hats.