OK, this is based on those stupid ass books we used to read when we wre youngsters. Fill in the scenario and I will finish it for you.
Weird post, I know. I'm just really bored and a complete loser
The Scenario:
You're spending another worthless night of your worthless life perusing the aisles of Red Hottt Video on Topanga Canyon (near Victory). You're somewhat happy though because it's Tuesday and it's "Rent Two, Get One Rental Free" night.
Near closing you approach the counter and realize the normally sleazy and lazy front counter guy has turned into a particularly active and all too touchy zombie.....
For the sake of living you grab the nearest dildo and stab it into his brains. Realizing that the two of you are the only ones left, you grab some extra movies and bail.
All throughout the streets you see zombies chasing down illegal aliens, Persians and old white people, gobbling their bodies and eating their brains like fat-fucks at a Vegas lobster buffet.
You decide that you need to hunker down fast so you take a quick couple of turns and head towards the porn studios. You finally find one - dark and deserted. Inside the all too typical brick building you find a vending machines, a couple of bottles of water and lots of DVDs. You figure you're pretty much covered now with at least a months supply of Doritos and Pepsi to get you by not to mention all the porn you could possibly watch.
Suddenly, you hear cries in the dark. You grab your bloody dildo and walk the halls searching for survivors or maybe more damn zombies. Alas, you find a gang of porners hell bent on survival. They're ready to fight, fuck or get high at the drop of the hat and it's up to you to lead - or exploit them - to your best ability.
Who would these porners be and what would you do next?? You can only pick five....
Good Luck

Edited by Owen S Mouth (04/26/04 07:20 PM)