

kyoto is completely the alcoholic, disturbed uncle you keep locked in the guest-house. he may make your girlfriend cry and have to be physically-restrained at the thanksgiving-table, but deep down you still love the guy.

Sometimes i think kyoto's hobby is to keep track of semi famous people(using the term very loosely) that have acknowledged being horribly offended by him. I can see him with a ripped, aged notebook with a pencil tied to the side by a piece of string, him opening it up, writing down the date, the person and the insult, then giving a short paragraph as to the reaction from the person then placing it down on a table, picking up one of 16 cats on his floor and stroking it as they both gaze into a burning fireplace.

this coming from a guy who spends his entire life on this message board. with all his alter egos monkey must have over 7000 posts on the board. who has the time to do that? monkey = attention whore racist

hey monkey, can you go AWOL again? I like that animated monkey Tony puts up when you're gone. I find it more entertaining than your posts.

btw, I only have one cat. it's sleeping on my monitor right now. the cat has been very cranky lately, which makes me cranky, so don't bug me monkey.