I've been trying to use the JM logo as my avatar at www.adultdvdtalk.de but for some reason it mysteriously disappears within hours. Wanting nothing more than to bring what I thought was a technical glitch to the attention of the administrators so as to better their forum, I sent the following email.


I’ve uploaded an avatar about 5 times, but it either never shows up, or if it does show up, it disappears after a few hours. Am I doing something wrong (ie, my avatar doesn’t meet the specifications) or is it something on your end?

Thank you


This was the response I received from SS Oberstgruppenfuehrerin herself, Steph:


Promoting JM Productions in your avatar is clearly antagonistic. If you do it again I will deactivate your account.

I wonder what she would do if one of the porn whores who frequents adt puts up a JM logo as her avatar?

Whatever, I asked her to deactivate me.