submitted for your approval, candidate #2-
"Great show adult con 8 was great
the women where hott the croud was horny it was great
i personally got a chance to talk with some of the stars a real nice meet and greet xxx stars
i went to the aftr party victoria givens did a wild stip show took some dudes water bottle and you had to been there"

if you can look past the fact a child in cape verde would be beaten for such a poor grasp of english, what stands out to me the most is the part about his assessment of the crowd. generally, asians tolerate crowds better than anyone else, don't mind living stacked on top of each other like termites and pushed into public transportation. they'll even pay money to sleep in a coffin-like drawer and love cutting penises off of endangered animals to make aphrodesiacs---but as much as i am baffled by asians, they are too smart to include this guy. he should instinctively hate crowds as they're full of trannies and little kids that are magnetically drawn to your shins and feet when you're in a hurry only to bounce off and start screaming in too busy a place to finish the job humanely. i hate crowds, so do other people-that's why it's desirable to be rich enough to live near stores while insulating yourself from sammura stealing the empty bottle and sandwich crusts you want to throw out.

the absolute LAST thing i value in a crowd is that they're "horny"--i'm always up for burning tires and shooting indiscriminately in a good angry mob or even screaming uncontrollably at an n'sync concert but not this. being around TONS of horny guys is terrifying, multiply a bjfan-watchguy-hybrid by 1000 with you in the middle. first rule of survival is absolutely nothing is safe to touch. nothing. walk as calmly yet quickly to the door-realize you're in an enviroment where there are countless men who can't get laid often being totally awestruck and dangerously overstimulated.

think about it as a small number of female cats in heat in a room full of tomcats with few other sexual prospects. the room will smell awful, clearly and eventually you're going to be left with lots of excited cats with boners rubbing against your shoes. not cool. horny crowds are the worst, drop me in the middle of a pride of lions dressed in nothing but the skin of kyoto's latest victim.

if it's not obvious i slept in an office to call asians, well, i did.
"She has no waist, no interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits