Damn! I thought James was my friend.
sniffle monkey style
Anyway, here's the post on the avn blog I think Arab was talking about:
Mike: You're apparently are way too stupid for porn and there are a lot of stupid people in porn.
Lexxi: "don't support it by listening or by going to his functions." That's brilliant advice. His functions? They suck, so it's easy not to go. What other functions? He's at just about ALL porn functions and you'd need to shoot him to keep him away.
Dirty Bob: "Voters include writers from a wide range of adult publications and Internet sites." Wow a whopping 33 voters! It looks like half of your members work for AVN or have worked for AVN in the past. I have freelanced for 11 years for several big name publications and know for a fact that many mags tend to support the companies that BUY ads. I'm not talking about the obvious cash under the table type bribes and have seen many companies threaten to stop sending screeners and have had editors whine at me to not be so critical as to jeopardize a relationship they have w/ some company that spends big $ on ads. The big winners at AVN tend to be the biggest spenders on advertising. Most critics don't want to rock the boat too much and have cozied up to the owners of companies and the producers of movies, so are you still gonna to tell me everything's on the up and up? Probably, b/c in one way or another you're one of those people I'm talking about and you aren't about to bite the hand that feeds you in one way or another. That's ok, it's a great way to make a living, but let's be honest here and porn is an industry where honesty is NOT the best policy when money is concerned and that's what it's inherently all about. 'nuff said. Smut has left the building.
Posted by: Smut at May 3, 2005 04:28 PM