Tawny Roberts Breaks Down On Opie & Anthony
I got this email:
I thought you might have some insight into a situation Opie & Anthony had in studio the other day.
Mary Carey and Tawny Roberts were in Opie and Anthony's NYC studio to promote Mary’s new DVD. They both walked in drunk at 8am, and Tawny got REALLY emotional when they called her out on it, despite having admitted it openly before she was on air. Here’s some video.
I wasn’t sure if this was normal behavior for these girls, or if this was a unique situation.
Porn girls can be emotional, particularly when they are drunk.
A source writes: "They're only lucid enough to see what messes they've made of their lives when they're wasted...and that's enough to bawl their eyes out."
Here are the links. There are 4 total. #2 is the one where the guy gives her shit.
I think Tawny actually looks pretty good here. She has little-to-no make-up on and looks natural... Or atleast as natural as a girl who's had extensive plastic surgery can look.
"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin