Ahhh... the love I see amongst this board. How sweet. Yes I've been up early as I always do in the mornings to start my day but in the last week it's been ungodly hours. First it started out with two cups of highly caffienated coffee that I hadn't consumed prior for at least a few years. That certainly gave me a speedy high. For days on end. So i'll be cutting back on the java.
ALSO! I've been making myself useful of preparing for this weekends Adultcon... can you believe it? I'm actually making an effort to participate in such a public affair. Wow. I finally succeeded in the search of a good 8 x 10 to sign. Just you wait fellas!
And if you were wondering why I hadn't been around other than pestering the cool cats at JM prod. office... it's because my computer literally went up in flames one afternoon I decided to start up the old computer engine. So it's taken me this amount of time to have it rebuilt. Many thanks to Joey at ASM for his awesome computer knowledge and care for me. It's much appreciated and he knows it.
Sadly enough to say I did lose a lot of information I needed so if you guys care the slightest... there will be a delay in update of my FUCKING FREE site.

Have a wonderful evening! XOXO