merry easter to those who believe in jesus and those who don't. We are all gods children. (i like the new religious monkey)
Random quotes i like
"i want my panties back wizard,!!!! just kidding,make me some $$$ biotch " randi wright
"scabies was the best thing to happen to the house" real world chick
"hey behbeh you know whos your hot lil assistant available whenever you need her for your long ass days, girl!! MiSS YOU!!! and so does baby!! love ya, sex monkey MUAH" hot piink
"coward pussy bitch" bjfan
"this sucks, i want to drive for 30 minutes" tawny roberts
"Do you have a boyfriend randi, I was just wonderin if you do or not?" randis own adt watch guy
"No i dont , but im looking for one, maybe it could be you..." her response
"Well, considering that i have never had sex, i probably just wouldn't know what to do if i ever found myself in that situation" randi's adt watch guys follow up
enough quotes
the end of porn is near, porn will be illegal to make and sell in 24 months, so soak it up now, make as much as you can, sell as much as you can because the ride is going to come to an end, you heard it here first
Swami has had his show put on hold, theres no reason of explanation that has been made public.
Where is james, arab, cleetus, bishop and grant michaels, wow blast from the past
is it safe to say that evil clown is the fredo of the cage?.