RacerX here to alert you to a disturbing new trend,directors who are given a budget including what talent should be paid who then,shoot the scene as cheaply as possible (usually at the expense of talent)by any of several questionable tactics.I have heard examples where talent is promised future work,talent is informed that,others can be had less expensive,that this amount is all that has been provided and other lies or browbeating tactics.
The names of several low-rent hacks seem to come up constantly,ie;Mike metropolis whom without a famous ex-wife,(Kaitlyn) would still be a suitcase-pimp,Terry Burton of west-coast-fame whom from what I understand is lucky to still be in this industry at all after a scandal involving some misapropriated company funds a few years back.Bobby Manilla,said to go as far as to have talent work for free,claiming that when he makes it big he will make up for their help now,also said not to be above stealing from talents purses and if he doesnt get what he wants in a scene,wraps it by having his crew urinate on a girl not as fetish but in an attempt to humiliate her.
RacerX has only ever worked for one of these clowns personally but has heard the others named in these acts on more than one occasion.They are not to be trusted or believed if they swear on a stack of bibles have you had an experience that you can share that may save other talent heart-break or financial loss?Do the companies that budget them know what they do with the money?Do they care?
Ifyou have anything to add please do.It's not necessary to name names but you may save someone from getting fucked outside the scene.