Realisitically, how could American girls NOT resent European talent? didn't the influx of Eastern European whores that would commit all manner of unspeakably depraved acts have the effect of raising the bar for what the local gals had to do?
If you consider that ex-Soviet whores need the money, and are generally tall, slim, and blonde and are used to every scene being AT LEAST anal, didn't corn-fed American whores have to start doing that too to get the work? I am starting from the presumption that not all girls get into the biz hoping they will be doing double anal and gapes, and they certainly didn't think so five or ten years ago, before Rocco, Jean-Yves Castel and other thick-cocked convicts from the continent started to degrade/torture their co-stars.
It can't be a coincidence that Max calls them "Euro Versions",
instead of "Deeply Deeply Disturbing Versions."
I believe that there were one or two bukkake movies made before JM started down that road as well. The number of little girls dressing up as bukkake victims on halloween is rather small compared to ballerinas and plucky Disney heroines. The wave of foreign talent sucks a lot of gals under, IMHO