haha. I was bitten in FL when Bang Bros brought me down there. Ugh Many painful painful weeks is how i survived. Long story as follows.....
On the plane home I thought I had a pimple or something on my ass. And the next day it was fricken huge. Went to the ER and they told me in grown hair bullshit or boil. I thought they were full of shit. The next day it was swollen to the size of my open hand fingers spread and fucking humungous. I couldnt sit on my ass. So went to a diff ER and they can test if its from a brown recluse or whatever. They thought a bite right away and tested for brown recluse. And sure shit it bit me on the ass. They injected some numbing shit which didnt work bc of the venom inside. And basically cut open my ass cheek with my screeeeeeemmmming. They cut about a Qtip's length deep and a quarter shape round of skin and tissue out of my ass cheek to make sure they got everything. The wound literally looked like a gun shot wound gone bad. I didnt think I would ever model again much less have an ass left. But my DR was amazing and now Im left with a dime shape/size scar on my ass
Pure luck saved me honestly. People have had to have their legs and arms amputated from similiar bites. I got lucky and caught it early and some kickass antibiotics kept it from getting infected.