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#852 - 04/30/03 10:14 PM I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
I'm the lastest banned member from ADT. Why was I banned? Really I banned myself, because I couldn't take it any longer.
Another point worth mentioning is that the web site promotion is zero for people who are not in the in-crowd. I sympathise with the guy whose web site was shunted off, in favor of the mods web sites.
Never mind.
Regards, Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />

Edited by TonyMalice (05/01/03 05:28 AM)

#853 - 05/01/03 12:19 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44
Hi Rump,
I wondered why it said 'deactivated user' under your name.

What couldn't you take any longer mate? It just seemed strange as you'd just started a couple of threads right before you left.

Anyway, take care of yourself,

#854 - 05/01/03 01:18 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
Hi, Neol, m8, then check this out:
Regards, Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

#855 - 05/01/03 10:28 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Jeff Steward Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 7408
Loc: JM Productions
Those pieces of shit that run ADT are just a bunch of insecure losers that HATE anyone that thinks differently than them.They are no better than any racist dictator,in fact,they are more harmful to our industry than Mr. Ashcroft.Now I realize I'm a nobody in the industry,but I have done more than most when its comes to standing up for the right of free speach.I've been busted,and I fought the enemy,not just for me,but for everyone and I won,yet that piece of shit Steph banned me from ADT as well.But hey,it's all good,the fans are beginning to see the light,and their rein of terror will be over soon. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Edited by whtzahor4 (05/01/03 12:38 PM)
all women should be victims of something, because they lied. - big moose

#856 - 05/01/03 11:38 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
BigPornFan Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 614
Loc: Boston, MA.
Hey Jeff, Adam Film World voted you " HERO OF THE YEAR " for standing up for the rights of pornographers. Congrats...read about it here avn.com/articles/12432.html <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif" alt="" />

#857 - 05/01/03 03:54 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Smartt Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 5869
Loc: Instead of looking at the girl...
What the fuck were you expecting from a forum that allows that stark raving asshole maniac called ULTRADAMMO to be a MODERATOR????

#858 - 05/02/03 09:07 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
Lord Sir Noel Plum asked me why after I had been posting in ADT that I "suddenly" couldn't take it any longer?
Well, the answer is simple. I'm a pretty nice guy, and I generally try to keep arguments and bad feeling to a bare minimum.
I had detected for a long while that I wasn't liked. I presumed it was my review style or perhaps that I am British, but I think it cuts deeper than that.
I reckon ADT began to dislike me because they realize I'm an intelligent guy and not a sycophant. They knew that one day or the next that they would either ban me or I would leave voluntarily, which I did on the latter.
The dislike of me grew from several people who deliberatly didn't respond to my posts. Not that what I said was irrelevant but because I am who I am and they didn't like me.
When Steph sent me that email, claiming she knew everthing about me and what I get up, I let rip. Initially I was calm then I said, "hang on, FUCK YOU!"
Who do the hell does that Steph think she is. What are her credentials for running an adult forum, and why the fuck are so many people crawling up her ass?
No longer my "problem" really, but I just felt that I needed to respond once again.
Regards, Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

#859 - 05/02/03 10:35 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44
Lord Sir Noel Plum

Regards, Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Hehey, promotion at last <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smoking3.gif" alt="" />

Lord Plum of Grimsby.

#860 - 05/02/03 11:07 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
whtzahor4 Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 257
Loc: Porn valley ca
"I'm an intelligent guy and not a sycophant" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Wow that's new word to me, I even had to look it up, in case someone out there doesn't have /or doesn't know how to use a dictionary, sycophant is a big word for kiss ass. You now have a new word for the day use it well. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif" alt="" />

#861 - 05/02/03 11:32 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Jeff Steward Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 7408
Loc: JM Productions
Hey Sir Noel Plum,do you belive I should have been banned from ADT?You where there posting on the same thread,so I would love to hear your thoughts.I do recall that you joined the other losers that ganged up against me simply because I wasn't pc enough for them, but hey, I'm honest.I know I'm a scum bag pornographer.I don't try or to pretend to be anything more. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/piss.gif" alt="" />

Edited by whtzahor4 (05/02/03 11:48 AM)
all women should be victims of something, because they lied. - big moose

#862 - 05/02/03 12:28 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44
Hey Sir Noel Plum,do you belive I should have been banned from ADT?You where there posting on the same thread,so I would love to hear your thoughts.I do recall that you joined the other losers and ganged up against me simply because I wasn't pc enough for them,but hey,I honest.I know I'm a scum bag pornopher.I don't try to pretend to be anything more. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/piss.gif" alt="" />

Just looked it up Jeff adt thread for anybody interested in following it.

I'm not going to pour over who said what, it's all there for anyone who wants to read it (although my subsequent argument with Mod Morbidthoughts was edited out along with a few other posts)

Yes, I don't know what, if anything, went on behind the scenes but I thought the banning of you was justified, and Wanker Wang even more so. I don't know exactly what constitutes 'ganging up' but I thought you were in the wrong and I said so.

Personally, I think you're entitled to hold and express your opinion. If you truly feel that women in porn need to be degraded to give their lives meaning then, although I might ask for your justification, I accept your view. Thing is Jeff, this was meant as a serious debate and so when you say 'cum gargling fuck-pigs' you can't expect it to be viewed in the same light as it would be here or on one of your boxcovers. Same with laying in to Tricia Devereaux, like it or not that's not the order of the day on that site and you know that. 'If my opinions and comments are not welcome here,then kick me off your site' was what you wrote: they weren't, and they did.

I know you hold up free speech above everything else but as far as I know ADT never purported to subscribe to such an ideal. Free speech in England is Abu Hamza grooming the likes of shoe-bomber Richard Wright and recruiting people into al-qaeda whilst the authorities do fuck-all. Free speech is all well and good in its place Jeff but you know as well as I that their are many subjects that just could not be debated here because someone would fuck it up.
Imagine I stood up in front Of George Bush every time he gave a speech and shouted 'CUNT CUNT CUNT....' all the way through: free speech maybe but we'd never find out what he had to say, even if it's crap it's more important to hear him than me shout 'CUNT' at the top of my voice.

Look Jeff, I work on a fire station (I think you fellas call them fire houses) and I get called the cunt all day long, we all do. I get called the cunt from my watch mates and I get called the cunt from the local scum - I even get bricked putting their houses out! I can live with coming on here and Mr Satan, or whoever, calling me the cunt a little bit more: it's no problem; water off a ducks back, funny even. Problem is, sometimes I actually want to talk sensibly (as I'm trying to do now) and that's very hard if you allow anybody to say absolutely anything they want. All it takes is one person who can systematically ruin it for dozens of others. I'm not saying that was what you did (you didn't) but this is my take on free speech and why I have reservations about it.

I'm not here to stick up for ADT, but to anybody who looks it's obvious, that whilst you can disagree, you are expected to talk to each other reasonably nicely. Those are the rules, they are so simple, and if you can't do that, it's like coming the cunt at a wedding, you'll be hoofed out the door.

Thats my position,

PSi 'scum bag pornopher', good self deprecation Jeff but how about 'successful switched-on pornographer' who I bet doesn't call the tax mans wife a 'cum gurgling whore' when he comes a'visiting, eh?

PSii I wonder whether you would have been banned if WW had not chimed in and raised the stakes and the tension somewhat. Who knows.

#863 - 05/02/03 01:30 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
I find many things about ADT annoying and I was righteously pissed off when that thread got shut down -- but they brought it back. ADT pretty consistently enforces some level of decorum. This forum is a rowdy, shit-slinging free for all. I find things to enjoy in both, actually. I think ADT should loosen up, and there are some idiots there I wouldn't mind seeing tossed, but end of the day it's just fun and games.

#864 - 05/02/03 01:47 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44
I find many things about ADT annoying and I was righteously pissed off when that thread got shut down -- but they brought it back. ADT pretty consistently enforces some level of decorum. This forum is a rowdy, shit-slinging free for all. I find things to enjoy in both, actually. I think ADT should loosen up, and there are some idiots there I wouldn't mind seeing tossed, but end of the day it's just fun and games.

I agree, there's stuff to enjoy in both types of environment but you need to remember where you are, just as you do in real life, and act accordingly IMHO.


#865 - 05/02/03 03:16 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Smartt Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 5869
Loc: Instead of looking at the girl...
Just looked it up Jeff adt thread for anybody interested in following it.

I can´t, dammit. They blocked my IP! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolling1.gif" alt="" />

#866 - 05/02/03 06:22 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
BigPornFan Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 614
Loc: Boston, MA.
Post from ADT.
As I explained before,when I call someone a whore, I mean it as a complement. I like good whores, in fact im married to a great fucking whore. I would have it no other way. Sorry Steph if im to politically incorrect for you, but hey, im a public nuisance. IM A PORNAGPHER! So get off your high horse and go fuck yourself you self righteous tight ass because I make the porn you watch. If my opinions and comments are not welcome here,then kick me off your site. In fact, why not kick all of us evil smut peddlers off. As for Tricia, maybe one day JM Productions will be "COOL" enough to not "trash talk" to get attention. It would be great if everyone was as "hip" as Evil Angel. Whatever!!!

Jeff Steward
JM Productions

End ADT Post

Jeff did nothing more than speak his mind, and Sir Plum, you may also want to take another look at that thread as Wanker Wang has not been " deactivated ". It's clear Jeff got under Steph's skin. He did not kiss her ass so he was " deactivated ". In what crazy mixed up world is that right? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/2pistols.gif" alt="" />

Edited by BigPornFan (05/02/03 06:27 PM)

#867 - 05/02/03 06:30 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Smartt Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 5869
Loc: Instead of looking at the girl...
That´s why JM Productions will go on while Evil Angel will die along with Stagliano´s AIDS-ridden ass.

#868 - 05/02/03 10:39 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44

I've just looked and as you say WW doesn't appear to be 'deactivated' (I also wonder why some people list as 'banned' and others 'deactivated').
All I can say is that, going on the posts made, I personally would have banned both of them. Not banning WW is a disgusting example of allowing freedom of speech <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


#869 - 05/02/03 11:50 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
Sorry, Jeff, but I cannot remember you on there. When were you banned and for what reasons.
I am one of a very few dudes that voluntarily left.
I RESIGNED LIKE NUMBER 6 - THE PRISONER! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Regards, Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Hey, do you think I'll be kidnapped by Steph and sent to the ADT Village.....LOL. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
[email]PPS..@Lord[/email] Lucan Plum...the "difference" between banning and deactivation is simple. Banning is made by a mod, or a higher being known as Drew or Steph, and a disactivation is where someone has handed in their cards and more or less resigned. They don't call me Number Six for nothing you know!

#870 - 05/02/03 11:56 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
Hey, guys, I'm fucking in stitches here, laughing like crazy! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Keep the comments cumming..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Revellious regards, Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />

#871 - 05/03/03 01:46 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TALK
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
Lord Plum, I've read your threads on ADT and you appear to put a lot into them, creatively wise and word mass!
You don't appear to get much cumback though. There was one thread that just had two replies. I felt sorry for you m8, because despite what you think, that everyone is decent until they're shitted on and the crap hits the fan, people on there dislike you for many reasons, not many of which I would wager fits your idea of "treating others how you expect to be treated yourself."
You haven't been there long, Lord Plum, but give it time...I'd like to bet you'll start feeling a nasty taste in your mouth. And you'll jump too.
I cannot put my finger on exactly what it is, but something is rotten in the state of Denmark (aka, ADT).
Rump. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

#872 - 05/03/03 11:53 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
Actually, from what I've seen, the Lordship is extremely well-liked on ADT -- at least by the "subversives." He's actually about the best reason for tuning in over there. IMHO.

#873 - 05/03/03 11:05 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Rump Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/30/03
Posts: 353
I wonder what ever happened To Suck My Balls. He made a few posts last year and was banned because he said didn't like Astroknight's reviews. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

#874 - 05/03/03 11:59 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44
Big Daddy Crunk,
Thanks mate <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif" alt="" />

#875 - 05/04/03 09:34 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
These wastoids don't know who they're dealing with!

#876 - 05/04/03 10:50 PM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Sir Noel Plumb Offline
Stormy's Lawyer

Registered: 05/04/03
Posts: 24
@ Sir Noel Plum Fucker, stop copying my name!
http://sirnoelplumb.b0x.com/ The One & Only Sir Noel Plumb

#877 - 05/05/03 12:06 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Sir Noel Plum Offline
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser

Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 44
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolling1.gif" alt="" />

#878 - 05/05/03 04:42 AM Re: I'm the latest banned member from ADULT DVD TA
Rommel Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 05/03/03
Posts: 94
Loc: Germany

Miss Maine 2003 - Steph <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smoking3.gif" alt="" />


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