

Damn I almost forgot thanks to the Monkey for ranking me so High on the list

Oh so now the order matters, asshole????

Oh, and jamesn, don't fret, my friend. Although monkey's departure will be a serious blow, the site will not end. especially if the rest of us continue posting. I wish Arab would come back. His absence is deafening.

My hope, and belief, is that Monkey will get over this, as he has before.

We can only hope that he'll get over it.His spirit and leadership are the head on this snake.I would love to be able to say we could go on with out him but,I know in my heart it's not true.I can already hear the gurgling sound like water going down the drain,without the stopper its just a matter of time.
No matter how this turns out, thank you monkey for giving me the opportunity to see,do,think,do,say and feel some things I never would have without you.
P.S. Hey jamesn if it's not too late can I contribute to the turkeyfag bounty?
"I hope someone runs you over with their car."-guapo