Hi there, Jenna...
Sure, anybody who's anybody knows you're tops in the business. And yes, every DVD you release is an event I consider a sort of a holiday (at least as important as the DVD releases of The Matrix or Lord Of The Rings films, anyway... lol).
My question to you is this, a rather unusual one...
How would one, as a writer, get his adult film concept heard? I've worked sporadically as a video editor (non-adult) and aspiring screenwriter (nothing sold yet) and I've come up with a storyline that I think might be of interest. I'm working on finding an agent for my non-adult script material and am familiar with copyright practices. But as far as adult film, how would one gain audience with someone, perhaps someone they'd actually come up with idea specifically for? Someone, yeah, like you.
I know that you, Justin and the ClubJenna team have no shortage of ideas I'm sure. Yet, I am interested in bouncing a concept off you for possible production. If ClubJenna isn't really seeking new ideas, it would be greatly appreciated if you could detail a step or two that I might take toward having it produced elsewhere.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the naughty inspiration!