This week has supposed to mark the debut of the Adult Entertainer's Expo in Las Vegas,which was heavily promoted at The Floating World site,but was overshadowed by the recent AVN Expo,for this event was so underheard of,that it didn't even take place this very week(that it was supposed to)!!!!
Earlier today,I went over to the hotel it took place at,for it was supposedly Fan Appreciation Day,but guess what---no fans,no celebs,no fucking show!!! Wow,you folks that run this "event" promote it enough for us fans to come over,only to find out that this is no show after all ?!?! Very fucking professional,you little jabronis!!!
Next time these guys decide to do this show,just promote it two months ahead of advance,and hold it sometime in the Spring,whiere it won't cross upon the path of the AVN Expo,and so that fans can even believe that you folks are even holding a show,if you folks even decide to eventually hold one at all.....