More than any other performer, past or present, Jenna understands the psychology of her fan base, and the psychoogy of the industry itself. She has used her understanding of the fans and the industry to build a one woman empire in this buissness that has never been achieved before, and will probably be a very long time before anyone new comes along and comes anywhere close to the success Jenna has achieved.Many in the adult industry are very "jealous" of Jenna's success and many porn fans 'despise' jenna because she does not fit the "whore next door' image. Many male porn fans who 'hate' Jenna have their own inferiority complexes that do not allow them to accept the fact that a woman chan be successful, sexy, and adored by millions. I would aso suspect, and of course i cant prove it, that many of the Jenna haters here probably couldn't get laid without a handful of cash to pay for it, and the fact that someone like Jenna would never even give them a second glance is more than likely the reason behind their hostility.

Believe it or not, not all porn fans are into the double anal, puking, gangbang garbage that many here seem to favor. And if thats what you like then good for you and I hope you enjoy it. But just because a performer chooses not to participate in that type of material is no reason to trash talk her. There are about 1000 performers in the San Fernando valley working in any given month, and alot of them do not do the triple xxxx hardcore material. As a matter of fact, the most successful girls in the buissness do NOT do those types of films.

Keep doin what you're doin Jen. Your fans will always be here.