

I think it's funny that JJ responds much more frequently to insults than fanboy praise. It's almost like she ignores it, or hopes it will go away. Yet these fanboys keep trying to come up with new and better ways to lick her feet(which I would do, I might add) in hopes that she will at least say something, even if it's just thank you. Poor guys.

It would be a pretty dull world if everyone agreed with each other... The point of these boards is to have a little healthy discussion and the things that fuel the most discussions are arguements...

So we follow Jenna around... Thats probably because Jenna posts in her own forum about the fun she's having with you on here and we all come here to have a laugh as well...

Its been real funny to see the change in this forum from Jenna-Fake haters to the realisation that it IS the real Jenna and suddenly most of you are all behaving like fanboys yourself...

And then theres the REAL haters who have so little in their lives (including their dicks) that they do nothing but abuse and try and get a rise out of Jenna... and fail miserably... Jenna didn't get where she is today without encountering spindledicks like you already... and brushed them aside like an annoying flea...

Whether you like Jenna or not, you have to admit she's a phenomenon...

It's interesting, I guess(), that you quoted my words and then proceeded to respond to something completely different. As if I had just said that I hate Jenna, or something similar. That's a neophyte variation on a straw man argument if I've ever seen one.

My post said nothing bad about Jenna. I did not insult her. I merely pointed out that she seems to ignore the fanboys much more than she does her detractors. You're all just falling over yourselves to get her attention, and it isn't working. It's creepy, and by her reaction it's evident that she thinks the same. Do you walk around with spare watches in your pocket, just in case?


It would be a pretty dull world if everyone agreed with each other... The point of these boards is to have a little healthy discussion . . . .

You've definitely got the wrong board.

How old are you?

And if you're above 15, please list your state or country of residence.
you mean my days having fun while being fundamentally superior to you? - Jamesn