I met Jenna about 5-6 years ago when she came to a club I was running in St. Louis to feature for us for a week.
In my dealings with her personally, which was very minimal, and mainly in the area we had sectioned off for her to sell movies, glossies, and Polaroid after each set, she was aloof but quietly polite.
Her manager or whoever he was at the time, was what you'd expect, over bearing, demanding, obnoxious; making sure everything was perfect for his celebrity.
The company paid her, upfront, I think it was $30,000, which was pretty unheard of at the time for a feature, at least in the midwest.
And she skipped out and didn't show up on Monday night, the first and biggest of all the nights!
It was somewhat sickening to watch the infatuated fanboys show up at the door and hear that she wouldn't be there for her Monday night shows.
Some of them began to cry! Seriously!
Then we told them they could still come in a eat the buffet for free that was put together for the event and they all walked in and took advantage of that.
Jenna was there for Tuesday thru Saturday night's performances and it was the highest grossing feature we ever had in the history of the company.
She didn't do anything special in her shows, in fact it was kinda tame compared to some, but her name recognition and popularity made it a huge success.
All I could think was...this generation's SEKA...
Oh, and the semi-retarded gofer boy we assigned to pick her up and run errands for her...she ran him like a dog, and didn't even tip him.
I don't hate Jenna. But when it comes to porn, I say:
You can have the ROCK stars...I like the COCK stars!
midwestbadgirls.com (down, but on it's way back!)