

Jesus Christ man how many watches have you given her? She came to the board, she saw what she liked, and she conquered it...in a sense. Thank God she has a better sense of humor than her fanboys.

"Fanboys"?!?! Since when does porn now start using that ever-so-boring term?!?

I guess that it must be really,really dead in the genre of horror,sci-fi,and comic books for this overexposed term to start showing up in this industry.

I'm wondering why they feel the need to come here and post stuff like that at this point. Sign up and join in by all means, but shit. It's obvious that she can handle herself. She played this thing like a virtuoso. Coulda dropped the journal entry with the 2nd post last night, coulda posted a pic at any time. Instead she built it to crescendo. I heard something snap.

Fanboys- quit harping about how great Jenna is. Start browsing and posting and prove yourselves. She did.

On a lighter note, earlier there were four anonymous users reading the Marc Wallice thread, so the legend continues.

*forgot to add that the fanboys are discovering the nuances of simp and maged*