I am posting on here just to make certain everybody does know this. Even though it has been said about 4 or five times already. Yes that was and is the real one and only Jenna Jameson. Now while I have been a fan of hers for many years now, I have only been on her site for about the past year. And only posting on her forum for the past few months. From what I have seen, Jenna is with out a doubt the Most Kind and Giving of about all the adult star's out there. She has security yes to protect her from loonies (gee I wonder why she would have to worry about them). She elect's not to do certain things in the business mainly out of personal preference, not bias or even bigotry. And she has gained more fame in doing what she does than just about any other female adult performer before her ever has, and probably ever will.

Why than do you people hate her so much? I don't know, but I have a theory. My theory is this. Life hand's out to everybody, on a constant basis, a pile of shit. Now some people just tend to wallow in it (and from what I have seen most of the flamers on this board probably do.). Some people try to clean up some, but not all of it. And a very rare few, take the shit that life hand's them, and turn it into Lemonade. This Jenna has done. And because she has done that and most of you haven’t, you are jealous of her. And you let your jealousy turn to anger, and that anger turns into rage. And you lash out at her for no reason what so ever. Well guess what folks, Jenna is one lady (and yes I do mean lady in every sense of the word) who fight's back. My advise to you all, get out of the way, cause the Jenna steamroller's common through to take you all on. And it aint gonna be a pretty site when she is done with you.

Peace out.

Sean K Reed