Wow...I did a search and read some of the posts about Jenna here, and I'm not surprised she posted about it...she's cool like that. And yeah, it's the real deal Jenna here, I'd bet my new pink Jenna Jameson Vegas poker chip on it!!
And if you want to give me a phone call Jenna that would be cool, that'd be cooler than IM chats!!

Anyways, no matter what any jerkish people here say, Jenna is the most respected woman in the Industry. Most folks in the biz say so, and if they don't say so they are just keeping it to themselves. But how could they not respect her, her success speaks for itself. But she cares about her fans too, that's what makes her another level of special. Well, she loves what she does, no doubt, but I think her fans are important to her too, but not to the point where she'll run to the corner and cry in the fetal position if a moron says they hate her on a message board. But she will speak her mind and "defend" herself as she sees fit. That's just the way she your face. If you call her out for no reason, she'll be pissed and you'll hear about would most people. Don't forget that, Jenna is a person too you know.
noahped out