Crowbar Justice,


Rebuttal #2 (it's her body, her choice, her decision).

Whenever I read that, it is very obvious to me that the person is not finishing the sentence. What they're really saying is that "It's her body, her choice, her discriminate on the basis of race on the job



And if you don't want to watch black girls, I never stated or implied that you had to (or that you're racist or prejudiced if you feel that way).

But clearly to be consistent with the first remark he is discriminating on the basis of race. I just wonder what you feel is the difference between someone who 'discriminates on the basis of race' and a 'racist' is?


Secondly, announcing that you intend to do interracial at some undetermined future date sets a bad precedence for other girls in porn. The net effect is that people (of all races) who are really wanting to see a particular girl do IR, might have to wait months (or even years in some cases) longer than is really necessary. This is not fair, because people who want to see white on white don't have to wait at all.

So fucking what? Let me ask you a question. Which do you think Ariana Jollee is most concerned about, her career or 'not setting a bad precedence for other girls in porn'? I'll answer on both your behalves: her career. This girl, quite rightly, would like to maximise her earnings in the short run she likely has at this game. Do you really think she is going to lose too many nights sleep worrying that you might have to wait a few months to watch future girls screwed by black guys? I don't either.


Rebuttal #5 (some girls only do girl/girl, does that mean they hate men?).

That's a red herring argument. The central issue is racial discrimination in the workplace. If a girl specializes in girl/girl, no problem as long as she doesn't discriminate against working with girls of any race. Similarly, if a girl specializes in boy/girl, no problem as long as she doesn't discriminate against working with guys of any race.

No problem you say, but what about the other 'central issue' of sexual discrimination in the workplace?
I don't see any consistency to your argument at all, it's all over the place.
As I see it you can't have it both ways. Should workplace legislation regarding discrimination apply to porn performers choice of partners? It's a great fucking question (yeh, if you're a boring cunt like me, I know) and I for one don't know the answer. There are great arguments on both sides. What I do feel though is that if discrimination legislation applies then it applies; how can you centre your thread around racial discrimination in the workplace and then dismiss sexual discrimination with a 'no problem'?

Wife Beater wrote:

What's good about the Internet is it gives a place for racist porn whores to be exposed.

One thing that springs to mind is that I've never seen a black 'racist porn whore' exposed. If I look at some of WCPs titles, for example, I see a lot of lovely black girls that I've never heard of. I just wonder if all of these girls do (or are prepared to do) IR with white guys? Maybe somebody here knows?