There's a big difference between anger in general and frustration over stupidity like yourself. I'm sure you're capable of defining the difference.

My father is fucking awesome. There's never been any abuse or incest up bringing. The fact is, my father is secure with himself, I'm secure with myself, as well as my mother. It's not like I got up stage for my very first time and masturbated. I danced around the pole, climbed it a few times. Ever see a girl dance on stage with a pole for the first time? Not very appealing... it's not like my father was looking at me like i'm a piece of meat and if he was, he keeps that to himself and never goes further. It's called respect and morals. It's not like he's never seen a naked body to begin with. Not like my body is entirely different to the next girl on stage. You make it sound like a Christian going out and fucking the football team and doing some street drugs or something.

There shouldn't be any shame for what's natural. A stupid amateur contest, me being the first time ever dancing in front of people, let alone naked, trust me, I was aweful. So get over it and stop trying to read too far into things.

I'm quite well in tuned with myself, my soul, my surroundings, my aura's limitation, need I go on? I can take care of myself and I know what I need. I know what I went through in good times as well as bad. I know what I need to heal my minor wounds. And I know what will always continue to make me happy. So please, dedicate your own time in helping yourself. You need it!