There are moments in life where God literally sets up chance opportunities. I don't think he makes our decisions. That's why we have what's called, 'free will'.

This means that we have the 'free will' to decide whether we'll do the right thing, or the wrong thing.

What I try to do, dear Gen, is to provoke people.

When one provokes, an exciting energy is created.

I created that energy in you.

Through all of your arguement and detail sharing, I noticed a common theme...anger. You live in a state of constant anger.

Heck, I dunno, maybe the fact that your fucking dad attended your amateur stripping debut has something to do with it. Sure sounds odd to me. Sounds like you two had a little more than a normal dad-daughter relationship going on. If I had a daughter, and she told me she was gonna strip- and I HAD NOT slept with her- I'd fucking lock her in the house, send her to home school, and hire a nanny to make sure she doesn't leave the house if I'm not home. But hey, I guess I'm just odd.

Showing off for Daddy is what you're still trying to get over. In fact, most of the porn work you do is probably some attempt at getting him back.

So when some stranger steps in and says he can look inside your soul, tell you what needs to be fixed, tell you how it got tell him to go fuck himself.

Okay then, I'll go fuck myself.

Good luck with that 'free will' of yours, babe.

This choice will stand out in your brain as a dumb one very soon.

Oh, and have fun with all your quality friends on this board.

I'm sure they'll all be very happy to talk about you, just as they do all the other girls, when you go down the toilet, too.

I'll let you win this one, but I'm not sure what you've won.

If you ask me, it looks like a very quick ticket to Hell.

Good luck with that.

The Outsider