Regarding whether rough sex male performers are gay or not, Brandon sums it up best in an interview he gave a while ago:
SG: Do you feel that you get too aggressive with some of these girls?

BI: You know it’s like if you’re the guy who didn’t get laid enough in high school. It’s not like you’re taking anything out on the girl, but if you’re the guy who didn’t get laid in high school, always getting turned down, shot down. I was always that geek. They were always like 'fuck you loser' so I feel like I might have missed out on something. Well it’s probably those types that are watching this stuff. I mean sure it unleashes some type of aggression that these were the girls in college who pissed all over me and now all it takes is a check and the tables are turned. So, sure, it does unleash some sort of aggression.

I personally know exactly where he's coming from on this and that's why I like his work and why I like stuff like It's a wonderful, wonderful outlet for pent up sexual aggression.

Just an opinion.