it would be little miny bukkake's.
heres the idea
girls already there, you got a instant crewcakke, have r dog f stop jim and jonny all put masks on and after she takes the first load from the male talent (theres another load or 2) keep filming pass the camera around and the crew does the work.
give each of them an extra 20 and the girl an extra 250 cash. use the initial pop in both whatever the release is and the "Bukkake audition"
the crew could make a pop a day, and jim shoots every day, just offer it to all of the 4 girls and the first one to say yes gets it, you know she'll show up cause shes there, the scene is already lit and you dont have to pick out clothes

you can use the pretty girls from the scene. hehe actually when you book it tell em it will be like "bakers dozen" they fuck one and take a few extra loads, girls who wont do bukkake have no problem with bakers dozen!

feel free to run with this idea and delete the thread!! or you could give me an assosiate director credit, and ill pull the permit hehe.