LONDON (Reuters) - The world's first known piece of printed pornography, described as the "quintessence of debauchery", was sold for 45,600 pounds, well above expectations, Sotheby's auction house says.

"Sodom", penned in the mid-1670s, has been attributed to John Wilmot, the second Earl of Rochester. It was described by Sotheby's on Thursday as having pornography "in almost every line".

The piece, which was sold to an anonymous buyer, had been expected to raise 25,000-35,000 pounds.

"It is one of the most notorious publications in literature and makes most pornography written 300 years later seem tame," Peter Beal, Sotheby's book specialist said.

The book focuses on the decision made by a lustful King to "set the nation free" by allowing "buggary" to be "used thro' all the land" and then details the dire consequences.

Highly doubtful today's porn will be so remembered and kept as an appreciating treasure.

What porn has been sent to space on the Voyager probe? What is buried in a time capsule.

Dire consequences, what's happen to some porn stars lives and us viewers, surely more degenerate souls. We're capable of low things.


Edited by Qreed (12/16/04 08:54 PM)
"I still can't believe he is not joking. Too bad it could have been funny." -Cleetus