Scott Peterson gets the death penalty and I think justice would be served a better way.
The cost on states and taxpayers these days is too much for the years of appeals and access to good expensive lawyers for these heinous criminals. Jail is so costly criminals that need to be in jail get let out early because the state can't afford to house so many.
There some people in jail for the wrong reason but these new cases with today's DNA and investigative technology really put the screws to criminals proving their guilt. Except in cases of police beatings and shootings. Somehow all the po-po gunning and beatdown procedures are justified and lawful in most states.
I think a 14 foot walled single jail cell with a open roof is the best place for our worst criminals. They are judged by the elements and don't get cold or flu medicine to make themselves feel better.
They can die from exposure to certain temperatures. They'll get no more than four blankets. Stainless steel toilet and sink could get chilly on bare skin. They'll get access to a warm shower everyday and fed twice.
Single punishment in jail will break criminals from returning. Especially if its an open air jail cell in a state or area that gets ice and snow.
Its inhumane to kill. The Bush government is calling some insurgents "enemy combatments" those captured have no rights but that's being challenged in the Supreme Court.
We shouldn't be so humane to our worst criminals they get housing and health care, access to lawyers and education for decades on the taxpayer dollar.
Jails need to be altered for more single criminal use per cell and less group time with other criminals that make them worse. All criminals in jail committing crimes against other prisoners need to be placed in a open air jail cell until they die as well.
Its just too costly today and our jails are too full with criminals that will get out because our states can't afford to hold them.
"I still can't believe he is not joking. Too bad it could have been funny." -Cleetus