reread it again boys!

model- again even if he had already left and claire said dont do anythign about it its ok, you "as a man" should have gone to where he was out and beat the dog shit out of him, is her ex a loser, i am sure he is, but she lets him get away with it and so do you cause all you care about is claire seeing you as her hero, well heroes go whoop the bad guys ass they dont whine on message boards about it, you get the life!

I am not mad claire quit porn, could care less, she obviously didnt like it anyway, so whatever, the high and mighty stance she takes with the i was down to earth and talkative when i was single, and now i have a boyfriend and im engaged so i wont talk to girls or my friends anymore it's weak, thats my beef,

everyone has had a friend who has done that been cool one day then gets a bf/ or a gf and then drops everyone for them its a sign of weakness so claire sucks you can all love her all you want, its called a message board where we post our opinions or experiences about porn girls on a forum called general porn forum, so my opinion is just as welcome as anyone elses all you haters know where my ass is to kiss
