Its funny but again not funny, i should learn to read instead of looking at the pretty pictures, but here is the breakdown as post on lukeisback.

At a shoot earlier this week, Bishop had his car alarm go off. The LAPD rolled up and questioned him. Bishop was not cooperative. So they through him in county jail for two days. Now he's a free man and he's got a beautiful young white woman to pork. Life is good.

Bishop: "They ran my background information. And based on a warrant from many years ago..."

Ron: "How long have you been black?"

Bishop: "For about 40 years now."

Ron: "Haven't you learned yet?"

Duke to Bishop: "Did you get raped?"

Bishop laughs: "Almost."

Duke: "When was the warrant?"

Bishop: "Twelve years ago. Marijuana found its way into my possession. I met all the state's requirements for that infraction -- probation, work release."

Kelly looks up as the conversation progresses. Do I read fear in her eyes?

Duke: "Were you drunk [when Bishop was questioned by the LAPD]?"

Bishop: "No. I was on my way to work so I wasn't drunk yet.

"Apparently they didn't like my attitude."

Duke: "Why weren't you more cooperative with the nice police officers?"

Bishop: "They weren't playing nice with me. They asked me a bunch of questions that they had no right to ask. Once I proved that this was my vehicle and that I wasn't breaking into it, that should've been the end of our interaction."

Duke: "What questions were they asking?"

Bishop: "Where I been. What I was doing there."

Duke: "Did you tell them you were a porn star?"

Bishop: "I didn't think that would be helpful. Men cannot be porn stars. Only women can be porn stars. Men are just props.

"Every time I've talked with the LAPD, it has been an unfavorable interaction. Those guys and I just don't see things from eye-to-eye."

Byron and Bishop discuss colors. I don't quite follow. I press for explanations. Byron asks if I have noticed that most black men in the business wear the same color -- blue.

I'm not sure if these "colors" are gang-related or slavery-related. It's not easy being a poor outgunned white child on a black man's shoot.

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis