1) he wears cool sea shell necklaces, even though they went out of fashion towards the end of the 90's.
2) he tried and failed to introduce africanized bees into the states.
3) he has had sex with sammura
4) he lives in his mother's basement in quincy, MA
5) he truly believes what he does is important
6)he tries to bride viewers with dvds and signed photos to tune into his show
7) he hates the black man but love the black woman
8) he will die one day
9) he has a fetish for goats
10) he hates gen padova almost as much as i do
11) he hates me almost as much as gen padova does
12) i made him look like a fool under baja , a person he believed was his biggest fan (chortle)
13) He isn't offended by transexuals
14) He isn't bitter towards his father even after numerous touching of special areas between the ages of 6-13.
15) he isn't happy.