whtza, i agree about there are plenty of girls being flakes druggies or what not, but two things a casual fan could know that info without even reading this site its all common knowledge and perception. and 2 even beyond porn theres a million flaky druggy girls who dont do porn.
my offesnse is not on what she said about other girls its her attitude of " I am too good for porn and i wouldnt do it again cause I am better than that" yippie for her like if you immeditaely retire a year after you start then you werent a whore, she was, is , and always will be and its documented on film to prove it, thats my point
I do not want to follow after claire for many reasons: if i did porn i would do balls out porn id be the combination of gauge/ashley blue/ & kristi myst in attitude with a mind as fuckked up as lizzy borden i wouldnt sell out the job after a year to get engaged to some tracer of a comic book or whatever
no offense whtza , i have liked all your posts that i have read you seem cool, i just read something different out of her post than you do