I love his neatly-divided stereotypes, I'm suprised he could discern a difference since it's obvious black people all look the same to him. he obviously knows bishop through xxxpt and all but calls him a "field nigger" because he's not an uncle tom? sounds bitter bishop can verbally hang with people here who eviscerated him of his swami dignity.the guy he was interviewing gets my respect for telling swami he's full of shit, although too politely. the rest is at adultfyi.com
Swami divided male talent into two classes- the Lexington Steeles, the Mr. Marcuses and the Sean Michaels'.
"They act who they are- African-American. But they act very professional. They can speak the language very clear. Then you have another genre of gentlemen, led by I guess Bishop and Wesley Pipes. They seem to be more street-wise, slang talking, very hard-edged group."
Knight said trying to homogenize male black talent into one type of person is silly. "We're all individually unique people. I really feel strongly that when people actually do pay attention to male talent, they look for male talent because of their individual, personal quirks. A guy that wants to see someone like Wesley Pipes who's talking during scenes and stuff and making jokes and just being funny, may not like the smooth, refined guy like Sean Michaels. Everybody has their place and that kind of diversity is one of the strong points of black performers in the business. It's such a huge diversity."
Knight said one of the first blacks he ever saw on film was Wesley Pipes. "I'm, like, dude, this guy's hilarious. I wish I could do that."
swami hates black people