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#70620 - 11/23/04 03:49 PM EU approves rapid reaction force!
ChickenMaster Offline
Demon Spawn

Registered: 07/07/04
Posts: 3178
From: BBC World

European Union defence ministers have agreed to set up a military rapid reaction force, to be deployed at short notice to conflicts around the world.
The force, to be in place within three years, will consist of a number of units each made up of 1500 troops.

France, Italy, Britain and Spain will each form a unit, and other EU states will be expected to contribute troops.

Ministers expect the first of the battle groups to be operational by next year, with eight more by 2007.

The development is part of an EU effort to develop an independent defence capacity that can be deployed outside of US-led Nato missions.

UK Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said the battle groups were not a precursor to the EU developing a standing army.

"Battle groups will be capable of dealing with a range of peace support and humanitarian tasks," Mr Hoon said.

"They are particularly intended for situations where an early intervention with a highly capable battle group-size force could deal with an emerging crisis."

Rapid reaction forces could be deployed to fill a gap before UN peacekeepers can be deployed, as a French-led operation did in the Bunia region of eastern Congo earlier this year.

#70621 - 11/23/04 03:51 PM EU approves rapid reaction force!
ChickenMaster Offline
Demon Spawn

Registered: 07/07/04
Posts: 3178
The US was training these same troops in North American cities and denying it. These troops are specially trained to deal with modern civilian areas specific to North America and other highly developed nations.

#70622 - 11/23/04 03:55 PM EU approves rapid reaction force!
ChickenMaster Offline
Demon Spawn

Registered: 07/07/04
Posts: 3178
(Old stuff about it.)


Here a couple of articles from PATRIOT REPORT - December 1996

Massive Build-Up Of Foreign Troops ..In North America !!!!
'3 Million Troops in North America'(From Sources in the U.S Congress and The Senate).

The Foreign Troops involved are Russian, Chinese & German.
The German Forces alone outnumber Canadian Forces.

From Patriot intelligence sources in Canada and New England.

Preparations for the COMMING INVASION OF AMERICA by Russian/NWO FORCES are progressing rapidly in Canada! As candidly admitted to me by many Canadians(including Author and lecturer Grant Jeffery of FINAL WARNING and many other books explaining the coming NEW WORLD ORDER TAKEOVER. Canada is totally sold out to the NWO and it's heinous agenda of world domination.

America has long been a thorn in the flesh of NWO planners, because of our Christian and patriot heritage and its isolation from Europe. With little over three years left to move this western hemisphere into their NWO agenda by the year 2000, they are making rapid use of Canada's willingness to betray America into their control.

How is this taking place? Canada has opened her doors wide to NWO forces, including German, Russian, and Chinese. As Grant Jeffery admitted personally one month ago, "we have more German troops in Canada now than we do Canadian military forces!" Indeed, for next to Dease Lake, Canada, Germans have been handed a military air base for their use. They are actively practicing bombing and strafing runs for the coming invasion of America... much as they are doing down in Holloman AFB, which has been permanently turned over to the Germans in New Mexico. The Traitorous NWO elements within our own government are fully aware of the motives of these German NWO forces both in Canada and America and welcome their presence into the western hemisphere; as part of the solution to subduing patriotic Americans who simply refuse to surrender national sovereignty to a foreign power.

Russian and Chinese forces are also very active in Canada. They are re-building and strengthening railroad tracks for the anticipated heavy use of railway transportation of incoming military personnel from the west coast (both Russian and Chinese forces) as well as transporting military vehicles and armaments and food supplies. New Tracks are also being laid between border states and Canada. Those people who are arrested as resisters or dissidents will also be transported in specially prepared boxcars to the death camps already established near the border, such as the one near Cut Bank, MT, (see report titled - The Death Camp of Cut Bank, Montana.) The death camp outside of Cut Bank has been conveniently located right off a major AMTRAK express line in the anticipation of transporting resisters and dissidents conveniently to their deaths by rail. Reports have been received form INTEL sources nationwide which indicate that certain boxcars are quietly being renovated from the inside so that they can be used for prisoner transport to such death camps.

[Editor's Note: While I Have no proof of these reports, they do match Bible prophecy - so I include them here.
In addition, I have heard this report from several credible sources. " In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."]

REV 17:6 And I saw a women drunken with the blood of saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

REV 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of GOD, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received the mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

Preparations noted by eye-witnesses include shackles bolted into the walls to restrain those taken prisoner until they reach their final destination. From our intelligence sources in Florida, we know that Russian train engineer experts are already being trained in how to operate American engines and how our rail system functions... Russian railway procedures differ from American. At least fifty Russian engineers are in training presently in Jacksonville, Florida. Many others are apparently being trained in other locations as well. Already seen being transported on these train lines are huge power generators to various locations in Canada, in the anticipation of the planned power outages that will be triggered deliberately both in Canada and America as the planned takeover methodically takes place.

The extent of the American government's betrayal of her citizens can be further evidenced in the fact that these Chinese and Russian forces are receiving payment for their pre-invasion activities through the International Monetary Fund... issued on American government checks.

In anticipation of the coming invasion from Russia and China, Canada has even gone so far as to disband it's Western coast guard divisions, thus they are open to amphibious invasion forces. According to our veteran intelligence source in New England, the Chinese are very much anticipating an amphibious invasion of America from the West. This was openly evidenced recently through the presentation of a documentary report over the BBC television in London which detailed amphibious forces practicing war maneuvers and strategy in the Formosa Straits.

When BBC newsmen were permitted to interview these soldiers in training, they repeatedly asked them the same question. "What are you preparing to use this training for?" The shocking, consistent reply was: "FOR THE INVASION OF AMERICA!" When it became clear that the gaff in security was created by airing this broadcast over television in England, its scheduled re-broadcast for the next day was hastily canceled. (Speculate no more on the suspicious suicide of Admiral Michael Borda... I was informed that he was terminated because of his refusal to cooperate in the covert plan by our traitorous NWO forces within our own government to assist in the coming invasion of America. When he refused to go along with the plan to covertly bring Chinese forces into America thru the use of our own Navy vessels, orders were given from high to terminate him.)

Russian Troops Buying Food Create Shortages For Some Mexicans..

There are concerning reports of large numbers of foreign troops and equipment throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. One of the most credible accounts comes from Jim Ammerman, a WWII Air Force vet who became a head chaplain afterwards. This man has spoken around the country, and has been on various radio programs. This is a strong Christian man who has various high level inside contracts & intelligence sources that give him information, but who cannot themselves come forward. About 18 months ago Jim estimated that there were about 30,000 foreign troops in America. About six months ago he upped that to 80,000 troops. Recently he has had contact with two U.S. Congressmen and one U.S. Senator who are quite concerned about the situation and confided to Jim that the number he was using was way off. When Jim asked them what the number was, they said in all three countries it is now over 3,000,000 - Yes this is not a misprint, he was told three million foreign troops are positioned throughout North America today.

Jim gave one account of a Mexican national who had just traveled the length of Mexico south to north who said that the Russian troops were so thick that they were buying up all the food in some areas and creating a food shortage for the local Mexican people.

There have been many, many reports of trainloads of Eastern Bloc military equipment, tanks, armored personnel carriers, chemical/biological units, etc., having been seen throughout the country for quite some time.

The U.S. Military brass say this is for training of U.S. forces to familiarize them with the equipment. This is a legitimate statement and need, but not in the quantities that have recently been witnessed.

If the above is true, or even fractionally true, one has to be more than just a little concerned. There can be no remotely legitimate reason for a foreign force of this size in or adjacent to the United States. Is it possible that once a "Crisis" is perpetrated and Martial law is declared that these troops are then to be used for controlling the population, fulfilling the RED & BLUE lists, and enforcing the dictatorial martial law.

WAKE-UP Call America !!!!!

Travelers In Mexico Report Russian Troops...

The ABC Mini-series 'Amerika' that played in 1987 gave us great insight into the Illuminati's time table. They also gave insight into how they could control the country. When you combine that mini-series with the movie 'Red Dawn', you see even further insight. Travelers into Mexico have reported an estimated 2 million Russian troops. What did the movie 'Red Dawn' reveal? They would come through the soft underbelly of the United States/Mexican Border.

The 'USA Today', Friday August 23, 1996, had an article entitled "Western Outages Expose Power System's Weak Links." They mentioned a July 2 outage on the Western grid that blacked out 14 states and part of Canada.

Following on the heels of one blackout was another on August 10 that affected 6 million customers. How could there be a power failure with no plausible explanation? These blackouts left people with no electricity at home, businesses, gasoline pumps, etc. A prolonged blackout would melt and ruin all freezer foods at home and at the Grocery stores. Rioting would inevitably break out.

President Klinton wrote an Executive Order #13010 and signed it July 15, 1996. An Executive Order is a dangerous way for laws to be created. Why?

One man can write a law. If it is not debated by Congress within 30 days, it becomes automatic law of the land. "We the People" were without representation on any Executive Order that has become law. This Executive Order #13010 would turn the country over to the Federal Emergency Agency (FEMA) under Martial (military) law in case terrorist activity disrupted power plants that produce electricity for the nation.

Three separate people have stated the Power Company they work for called all employees into a conference room with the announcement that there would be a three day blackout sometime this year. They were instructed not to come to work when the blackout came. They were given a device so they could be contacted as to when to return to work. When they returned to work, they must wear the special vest given them that allows them to safely pass through the military blockades.

This Article came from PATRIOT REPORT - January 1997...

Prison Camps Ready As RED & BLUE List Verified...

Concentration/Death Camps

For some time there have been many reports concerning dozens of concentration/death camps throughout the United States. Many are allegedly built on "closed" military bases, well out of sight and off limits to the civilian population. Reports tell of railroad tracks, reminiscent of Nazi Germany, going into and out of the camps and accounts of large buildings with no windows. The barbed wire faces in, rather than out, which indicates the intention to keep people inside rather than keeping people on the outside from getting in.

One Account mentioned the ability to "process" some one hundred thousand people a day. Most of these are said to be completed, with some even manned with guards, but standing totally empty as if just waiting for their "inmates" to arrive soon. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to understand what these may be used for if a martial law police state is planned in the near future.


There are many reports circulating of a so-called "Red List" and "Blue List" that have been put together by the federal government/NWO globalists.

These two lists have allegedly been verified by a high ranking patriot official from one of the three-letter U.S. federal security agencies by Steve Quayle, who has an informative radio program on Amerinet (6:00 eastern time); and many contacts in this area.

The Red List, which allegedly numbers some 2.851,433 consists of those Americans the New World Order (NWO) globalists consider to be totally beyond re-indoctrination into the NWO mindset; to be hard core resisters that will cause much trouble for their totalitarian enslavement plans. This group is said to be slated for quick pick-up and immediate termination shortly before declaration of Martial Law. The apprehension of these people would probably occur in the middle of the night in order to be out of sight and kept quiet, though I would think it would be impossible to keep this number of disappearances quiet for any length of time. Destination for this group would probably be to one of the dozens of concentration camps, never to be seen or heard from again. This group may consist of patriotic Americans with military experience, people who are active in getting the truth out to American public, members of groups who oppose the NWO plans and believe in traditional Americans values and freedoms, those who strongly believe in the Constitution, etc. If you are a member of this group you are probably a real patriot and to be congratulated, but watch your back.

The Blue List is said to number 3,324,691 and is planned for pick-up about six weeks after martial law is declared. This group is also slated for immediate termination, probably in one of those concentration/death camps.

This group would probably include members of all conservative, patriot, freedom, Constitutionalists, and Christian groups that are considered to be enemies of the Globalists. Remember, the NWO elitists are generally new age earth & satan worshipers, and hate Christians with a passion.


Don A.

America is sitting in a room filled with dynamite, saturated in gasoline fumes.... With Klinton at the Helm... Any Questions...

One final thought...

An excerpt from: the January, 1994 issue of the National Educator, page 3, an article reveals that Sarah Brady is Chairman of Handgun Contol, Inc., and while lobbying liberal Senator Howard Metzenbaum about gun control legislation, said to him:

"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."

#70623 - 11/23/04 04:00 PM More
ChickenMaster Offline
Demon Spawn

Registered: 07/07/04
Posts: 3178
(More info)


From: Ralph (ralph@teaminfinity.com) Subject: Re: Foreign Troops

Here is some of what I have. I will send more if you remind me. Also please
look at BORDER XXI. Please share whatever you have.

What you are about to read I obtained from David J. Smith who can be
reached at 1420 West Ross, Waxahachie Texas 75165. Would love more details
from anyone who has them and VERIFICATION. ralph@TeamInfinity.com I
basically have paraphrased what I saw on a raw Satellite broadcast of
David's over 6 months ago. The reason I bring it up now is that as time has
passed David's report herein paraphrased by me only seems to ring more and
more true with COSCO border 21, Panama canal being controled by chinese,
Luftwaffe in NEw Mexico etc etc. The details in the paraphrase by me of
david's work are quite alarming to say the least. please excuse the
spelling and grammatical probs, I wish we all had more time. Toodleloo,

11/94 Hawaian Islands:

State S.W.A.T. team, against orders, came out to investigate 4 Russian
Generals conducting military maneavers involving Russian secret Speksnaz
forces, Nepalese Gurkas all over the 5 Hawaian Islands.

Speksnaz are highly trained forces who specialize in nuclear power,
electrical power, and communications sabotage, and infiltration.

Speksnaz for several years have been seen coming into US via Alaska, first
one at a time, then 10 at atime, now, 100s at a time, to preassigned jobs
here in the US.

JFK in 1961 and 62, signed into law State Department Document 7277, a three
step plan to completely and generally disarm the United States, we are now
in step 2.

9/2/1992 - George Bush said: "US is prepared to make available our bases
and lands for multinational field exercises. " Formerly defunct Fort Dix,
in New Jersey is turned over for use by the United Nations and converted
into a base for UN "Peace" keeping training. There are signs on the base
pointing to a Prisoner of War Compound. I have seen video of this. Brand
new razor wire on the ground surrounds many parts of this UN base.

UN Charter - No such thing as "Peace Keeping" forces. They have the
EXCLUSIVE "right" to declare ware anywhere in the world. Peace Keepers or
War Mongerers ? If they have all the guns who can make war against the
beast. (see rev 13:4). No one can of course.

Fort Dix NJ, is a 50 sq mile base handed over to the United Nations
Organization to train foreign troops there RENT FREE !!

There are 19,000 United Nations Organization Troops in Fort Polk Louisiana,
French and Pakastani, 2 Battalions of Russian soldiers, on war footing
according to an insider of that compound who told his parents, who also
says this same compound has VAST underground facilities storing equipment
and other materiel.

NAPA California Sentinel reports 50,000 National Guard and United Nations
Organization Troops based near Barstow California. Forces are held on stand
by in case of rioting in Los Angeles area.

There are 40,000 United Nations Organization Foreign troops based near
Sacremento California. Thes anti american Foriegn Soldiers are based nearby
in El Dorado National Forest.

Southern California, another hot bead of United Nations Organization
military activity, bases more than 40,000 United Nations Organization
Troops in San Diego, another 22,000 combat ready UN troops stationed just
south of Los Angeles.

Thousands of Russian troops are stationed in secret military bases in
Nevada, people have heard of Area 51 and there are other areas. They are
under the auspices of the United Nations Organization, and a special
instruction manual has already been written and passed out for russian
soldiers in the United States. It teaches them how to do door to door
siezures and searches and the correct procedure for weapons siezure. The
manual is written for the russians.

Can there be any doubt why the TROJAN horse, the united Nations, is on the
soil of America ? It was placed here to takeover, subvert our soveriegnty
for world government. The ONLY way they could get troops and equipment on
American soil was through the United Nations Organization.

Supposedly, by brainwashing the American people to believe that it was an
organization to bring world peace instead of world tyranny and slavery.

There is a 43,000 man United NAtions Organization battle group whihc is
stationed in the Texas Pan Handle by Oklahoma and New Mexico, Anchorage
Alaska has 14,000 United NAtions Troops dispersed throughout the area. And
more are coming in every week. These Antiamerican soldiers wear black
uniforms, they usually drive dark unmarked military vehicles.

United Nations Organization Gurka troops from Nepal can be found near
Yakima Washington. These are very ruthless individuals known to be
merciless killers. They are stationed at a U.S. military reservation known
as the Yakima Firing Range.

A 20,000 man contingent, once again UN Troops were kept in a state of alert
during the Ruby Ridge siege on the Weaver family in Idaho. The plan was to
have them to join with the US Marshalls if called upon by their bosses. Why
should our US leaders TREASONOUSLY offer to house and equip a hostile
standing United NAtions Organization Standing army on an American Military
base ? It's because NO ONE has called it treason against the people of this
country. This opened the flood gates for 10s of thousands of Foreign troops
to pour into our country because no one says anything against it.

Russian NAval transport ships have been spotted numerous times in the Gulf
of California. Part of the Russian fleet is anchored with 4 floating dry
docks near Gulf Port Mississippi. 4 Russian subs are docked with normal
shipping in Alabama's Mobile Bay. These are equipped with 22
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and each of these can hit 10 different
targets in the United States.

United States Service Personell are seeing foreign troops on military bases
all over the nation. There are foreign military personnel on our bases and
foreign troop movement and activity is going on in the Gulf of Mexico
coastal region west of Gulf Port in Mississippi near the border of
Louisiana, to be exact, United NAtions Organization troops wear vietnamese
style uniforms, no insignias or emblems in some areas, these soldiers ride
armed guard on barges going north of the Gulf up the Pearl River. the Pearl
River is a river that one would cross to get to Alabama or Florida from
that area. These barges are loaded with military equipment vehicles and
supplies, their destination is the HUGE NASA Test Facility which borders
the Pearl River. United Nations Organization mercanaries, all of whom
despise Americans such as you and me, because they are not in general
Christian or moral, and have no conscious will to stop any orders against
the American people who might be Christian or moral. They are quartered and
undergoing special training at the NASA facility attached to the Pearl
River. Included are Russian, East German, Koreans and other nationalities.
The Spotlight newspaer obtained several years ago irrefutable evidence,
photographs, 100 of photographs, showing THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of foreign
military vehicles and armour going ALL over the United States, including
vehiles being used by the UN. We even have film footage we have taken
ourselves in Gulf Port Mississippi, and Beumont Texas, showing United
NAtions Organization vehicles on trucks being transported in this country.

Our president Bill Clinton, has signed Executive Orders as well as other
presidents before him, giving very wide ranging powers to the United
Nations Organizationto command our military forces. This means the National
Security Council has now delegated these powers to the United NAtions
Organization. Bill Clinton signed on July 15, 1996, Executive Order 13010.
Within the context of this Exective Order it states VERY CLEARLY that if
there is ANY type of emergency whatsover of terrorism, especially like a
black out of electricity, that DOD has all the powers of the president.
Well our nation basiclly has 9 separate power grids like TVA (Tennessee
Valley Authority) that supply all the electrical power in the US. So 9 key
positions need to be taken out and we will have the conditions necessary
for take over by law. (Who forgot about the massive power outs that
occurred last year in the West ?)

100s of Railroad flat cars bearing Russian military vehicles and armour and
even some United NAtions Organization vehicles (painted white with UN
letters) all over America, especially Colorado, Wyoming, Montana,
Pennsylvania, Florida, and Nashville Tennessee, along Interstate 24, west
of NAshville we recieved two calls telling us of HUGE fuselages with UN
letters heading toward a military base. So yes they are all over.

In Mississippi, 100s of Russian built military vehicles obtained from what
was East Germany are, according to officials on the base (we attempted to
tape the facilities when we were confronted by an official who explained to
us the specifics herein) the vehicles were being refurbished under the
auspices of the United Nations Organization. Without doubt. This MASSIVE
depot in Gulf Port Mississippi, behind barbed wire, anybody can go there
can see it from Highway 49, 6-8 miles north of Interstate 10.

20 miles of newly built road lead directly from this MASSIVE depot directly
into NASA's Stennis Space Center. WHY ? Every American needs to know why.
Why are our representatives silent ? Many of the vehicles have been spotted
(we have pictures) are for chemical and biological warfare purposes. Why
when this is banned by treaty ?


El Jeffe, El Capiton, Generalissimo Klintonista speaks out about the US

"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical
Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of
individual freedom to Americans ..."

"And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When
personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what
we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing
projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like
that to try to make people safer in their communities."

President Bill Clinton, 3-22-94, MTV's "Enough is Enough"

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary
Americans ..."

Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

Why cant any of these be considered a violation of the oath of office to
uphold the Constitution and qualify as TREASON !!


ralph@TeamInfinity.com (I can get you SAPF films/tapes/materials, "Harry's
War" the suppressed film, Tragedy & Hope the book, US/UN/DontTreadonMe
FLAGS, bumperstickers YardSigns & T-Shirts, inquire)



This correspondence in NO WAY represents Save A Patriot Fellowship (SAPF),
but feel free to contact them thru RALPH & Andrew C. Earp 1-800-677-1207
ext. 1800 RALPH and ANDREW C. EARP Andrew C. Earp is NATIONAL DIRECTOR of

Let me know if you want to receive email on a regular basis

CALL 703-904-7770 ask for document 777


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