thanks bianca it was really cool! gen, sorry i'm bummed i did'nt get to say hi, i knew you looked familiar but the name slipped my mind. oh, we forgot to mention how when everyone started to leave, the gay janitor blocked the d'way with his truck! Jim being quick on his feet summoned the bukkake army and the next thing you know guys are bukkakeing the guys hood and windshield! The fag freaks and calls lapd. The officer's show up as hypno's stuffing balloon animals in the pick-up's tailpipe but all the cops say is they wanted the boys to bukkake all over a jelly donut so they could watch the rookie female officer eat it!The fag seeing he's at a losing battle finally moves his now glazed truck!I was surprised as i drove past him to exit to see the female cop on the fags hood licking up the mess from the guys windshield as he cursed in spanish!! a true bukkake night indeed!