
And what that proves? And what if she´s lying? And what if YOU´RE lying?
What if you made up the entire interview? It´s not unusual, you know that...

Wow, you really have issues with me. Is it possible that Amee was lying? Sure I guess, but who cares? Was I lying? Well since I never said it was her first, then I can't be lying. Unless of course I made the whole thing up. Yeah, that's likely. I took the time to make up an interview when it takes 15 minutes to actually do it.

There was this guy once...in some forum who said that I made up an interview. Where was that? Damn. Since I have all of them on tape it's pretty easy to find whatever I need. Especially now that they are all on MD.

Is it common? I wouldn't know. I've never needed to make any of it up. It's a waste of time, like emailing articles to someone using a fake email address or starting stupid net fights for no reason at all.

Too much porn to watch to bother with shit like that.

But hey, if you want to hear the proof that interview, you're more than welcome to come on over. We'll have a beer and you can listen to the MD.