JRV posed this question in another thread, and many others have echoed his curiosity: "Has anyone ever confirmed that Garfield has actually done any east coast porn, or that he even exists (and is not merely an alias for someone else)? "
I was wondering myself so I took the bull by the horns and emailed xxxpt's web address and instructions on how to view all of a users posts to my cousin Butch, who is a profiler for the FBI. Following is his response:
"Dear Cousin Bornyo,
Good to hear from you again. We at the Bureau are already very familiar with the website you sent. Anyway, we took a look at the user "John Garfield" for you and reached the following conclusions at our staff meeting this a.m.:
-This is likely an individual person, not an alias. We fed several other user profiles through the computer looking for a match and closest we came up with was "Kyoto", but the IP addresses don't match.
-This individual is emotionally scarred by some experience in his early childhood, perhaps involving an uncle or an unruly feces tossing chimp at a zoo.
-Moralistic and judgemental tone of posts regarding female industry stars is indicative of latent homosexual tendencies and a desire to repress them by appearing to possess high moral standards and an overall "holier than thou attitude". Recent tone of his posts as indicated in the past five days tells us he may be near a breaking point, or catharthis, as he readies to release these frustrations. (Commonly called "coming out of the closet").
-Consistent use of "AOL Slang" i.e.: "U R", "B 4", "LOL" indicates the adolescent intellect of someone more comfortable conversing with 13 year olds. We are forwarding this info to our contacts monitoring AOL chatrooms for further study.
-The avatar selected by the user is not a self portrait, but more likely projection. We pulled that image from
www.ridemelikeacowboy.com some time ago.
Hope this is helpful. Please tell Aunt Bernice I'm looking forward to her pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving. Will you be getting there Wednesday night or Thursday?
Just thought ya'll would like to know.
(lean back)