Since I am in such a great mood, I thought I'd write a thank you letter to all the mommies of porn girls in the business.
I am so thankful to them that I just had to write.
Mommy, thank you for looking the other way when stepdad, dad, grandfather, uncle, boyfriend, and next door neighbor wanted to use your daughter as a sex toy. The cost of living is getting higher every day, and since this happened to you, mommy, you know it ain't that bad. It's just something a daughter needs to learn to get by. THANKS MOMMY!
Thank you, mommy, for going on The Jerry Springer Show and looking like you didn't have a clue, and getting the whole audience to yell at the missing male about being a pervert. You set it up nicely so all of America thought you were just busy being mommy. THANKS MOMMY!
Thank you, mommy, for telling your teen daughter that getting into porn straight out of high school is 'her decision'. It was a nice way of saying, 'see, it was her all along, she's just a whore, this daughter', and it worked. Heck, your daughter don't even know what you did. Nice job. THANKS MOMMY!
Once she's in the bizz, you made sure to tell her about how independent she is, and how proud you are that she can get her own place. You conveniently forgot to tell her that she would be moving every six months, her relationships and marriages will never last, and she probably won't be able to have kids when she gets out of the bizz. THANKS MOMMY!
Thanks, mommy, for leaving your husband because you had a fight with him and all your friends told you that marriage don't last and divorce is cool. You left a good impression on your trusting daughter. When the going gets tough, the tough leave. THANKS MOMMY!
Thanks, mommy, for allowing your underage teen daughter to perform sex acts for men while still in high school. She helped you put bread on the table, and pay the rent. You are a very good Pimp Mommy. Plus, you didn't even have to pay taxes on that shit! THANKS MOMMY!
Thanks, mommy, for being so jealous of your young daughters good looks, versus your fading ones, that you let her fuck herself up by doing all the things you knew were wrong! THANKS MOMMY!
Mommies can make wonderful pimps. All they have to do is look the other way, not stand up for what is right, and when their teen daughter goes into porn, they can blame everything on those horrible, horrible men. All 987 of them. Mommy had a lot of 'boyfriends'.
But most of all, thank you mommy for telling your teen daughter that money is the most important thing of all, and that working a day job won't pay for all their cosmetics and hair products. Working your way up in America is never a good idea because it takes too long. THANK YOU MOMMY!
I hope all the porn girls mommies come here to this discussion board to thank me for my loving letter.
Pimpin' Mommies everywhere can be proud knowing that someone out there truly appreciates what you have done to your little girls, and truly marvels at your skills.
Edited by SheSuckedMomsMan (09/18/03 08:58 AM)