Well, it's mischief night and I ain't got nobody, but Girlvert and some 420. Heck, this series is gettin more fucked up with every episode and it has truly become an ever-evolving vile cum eruptum. It's funny, it's tragedy, it'll make ya horny if not shocked. Are we sick for watching this or is our culture to blame? Just the cover alone could be just another piece of visual evidence that America is fucked up, but to whom? The Taliban or the Christian Coalition? They're fucked up. Everything's fucked up. The Red Sux won the World Series and this election is the epitome of what's currently disgusting about our country, so like what's the dif? One can pin the blame on JM or thank them for it since everything's upside-down these days anyway. Let' s not be so ominous about it. Girlvert would say that it’s “cool†with a sneer and a swig of cheap beer. I sometimes wonder if Ashley's mom saw this would she totally freak out or just wash the blues down with the booze and roll over? Ahh, why should I care? The world is reeling in chaos, but Melissa Lauren is looking great in her white stockings and matching hooker shoes. Strange, she gets pissed at me for making a wisecrack about the French language yet lets herself get choked, slapped, and spat on while Ashley proclaims her hatred for french fries. Ahh, too much irony for me to take this early in the witching hours of Halloween... Melissa is the hottest when she smirks with a secret thrill while being savaged and likewise she fucks with whorish ardor. Simply speaking, Melissa's one crazy French beetch.
Anyway, Tyla Winn looked great in the mesh top, but she had some kind of grotesque bandage over one of her fingers. At first I thought it was part of the trailer tramp decor, but then I realized she must've broke her finger in her ass or was shooting skag in her fingertips and it got infected. Shit, Scoobie, it's a mystery. Actually, I really don't wanna know an they should've sent her home until it heals. But in porn: THE FUCKSHOW MUST GO ON. Her boobs got me lubed as they bapped about in that white fishnetty top, but I kept zeroing in on her freaky finger and going zoinks(!) Sorry, when you see it you'll understand. One thing I find fascinating psychologically is how Girlvert can be instantly reverted into a submissive slut. Interesting depth of character because she gets as she gives. Yo, I'm starting to think all this crazy stroke shit I watch is finally fraying my headlock on sanity. Cue Insane In The Membrane and fade out...
